High-Level Talks Held Between Leaders of Somalia and Turkey, Focusing on Bilateral Ties and Regional Affairs


President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan hosted his Somalia counterpart, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, in Istanbul, as confirmed by Villa Somalia. During a private meeting, the two leaders delved into discussions about mutual relations and global affairs.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud of Somalia apprised his Turkish counterpart of the successful first phase of the Anti Al Shabaab operation in central and Southern Somalia. This operation was highlighted as a significant achievement during their conversation.

Emphasizing the paramount importance of enhancing ties between Somalia and Turkey, President Hassan Sheikh underscored the robust economic, diplomatic, and military friendship that has flourished between the two nations since President Erdoğan’s visit to Somalia in 2011.

Villa Somalia, the official residence of the Somalia President, revealed that the leaders reached a consensus to elevate their collaboration concerning state building, security, and investment prospects within Somalia.

Somalia is host to Turkey’s largest overseas military base and training facility, which has played a vital role in training over 5,000 Somalia security forces and can accommodate up to 1,500 trainees concurrently.