Somalia’s Security Minister, Police Commissioner meet Ambassador of Qatar to Somalia


Somalia’s Minister of Security, Mohamed Ahmed Sheikh Ali (Dodishe), and Somalia Police Commissioner, Gen. Sulub Ahmed Fidhin, held a significant meeting with the Ambassador of Qatar to Somalia, Abdullahi Salim Al-nueymi, in Mogadishu.

According to officials, The purpose of the meeting was to explore avenues for enhancing collaboration between the law enforcement agencies of the two nations, focusing on combating organized crime and terrorism. The discussions centered around strengthening the bilateral relationship between the police forces, crucial in the face of security threats posed by Al-Shabaab in the Horn of Africa region.

While specific details about the collaboration were not disclosed by the officials, it is widely speculated that the partnership will involve joint surveillance efforts aimed at thwarting potential future attacks orchestrated by Al-Shabaab.

The Federal Government of Somalia has openly expressed concerns over retaliatory actions by Al-Shabaab, particularly targeting civilian-populated areas, following the group’s recent setbacks on the frontline against the national defense forces.