Niger’s military calls for ‘negotiated framework’ for French troop withdrawal


The military government in Niger has expressed delight following the decision of the French authorities to pull out its forces from the West African country, saying it is waiting for notes on how the process will be conducted. Ties between France and Niger, its former have collapsed since the military took over in July…

Niger’s military authorities have called for a “negotiated framework” established with France to coordinate the withdrawal of French troops from the country.

The military junta said this in reaction to Sunday’s announcement by French President Emmanuel Macron that French troops would leave Niger by the end of the year while adding that the French ambassador to Niger would also leave immediately.

Government spokesman Col. Amadou Abdramane said Niger is waiting for Macron’s “declaration to be followed by official acts emanating from the competent French authorities.”

The withdrawal of French troops must “be established within a negotiated framework and by mutual agreement for better efficiency,” Abdramane said in a statement on national television.

The announcement of the withdrawal of the French troops came after several days of protests against the French army’s presence in Niger.

The move was welcomed by the military regime as “a historic moment that reflects the determination and will of the Nigerien people.”

Relations between France and its former colony have slipped down the line after Gen. Abdourahamane Tchiani, a former commander of the presidential guard, led a military coup that ousted President Mohamed Bazoum in July.

The military commanders declared in August that it has terminated the military accords with France, a decision that Paris dismissed as illegitimate
Niger hosts 1,500 French troops as part of a regional counter-insurgency force.

The French ambassador to the West African country was also expelled but refused to leave even after military officials suspended diplomatic privileges and immunities.