Top UN official ends visit to Somalia pledging UNSOS support to the Somali security forces


The United Nations Under-Secretary-General, Atul Khare, concluded his four-day visit to Somalia with a resolute commitment to support the Somalia security forces. During his visit, Khare emphasized that the United Nations Support Office in Somalia (UNSOS) is fully dedicated to facilitating the gradual handover of security responsibilities from the African Union peacekeepers to the Somali Security Forces.

This transition, as outlined by both the African Union and the United Nations, is pivotal for the future stability and security of Somalia. To accomplish this transition effectively, it is imperative that the Somalia Security Forces assume complete control of security responsibilities, with the valuable assistance of UNSOS.

Officials noted that UNSOS will continue to play a crucial role in ensuring the well-being of Somalia Security Forces by providing medical casualty evacuations in active conflict zones. Between January 1 and the end of August, UNSOS has successfully conducted 739 casualty evacuations, underscoring its unwavering commitment to supporting the security forces.

UNSOS expressed its satisfaction with the substantial progress achieved in the establishment and reinforcement of institutions tasked with securing Somalia once the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) concludes its mission. This collaborative effort signifies a significant step forward in Somalia’s pursuit of lasting security and stability.