President Hassan Sheikh Engages with Stakeholders in Mahaas District to Address Counterterrorism Initiatives in the Region


President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud convened a meeting in Mahaas district, within the Hiran region. This gathering, which took place on Wednesday, brought together prominent political figures, intellectuals, and respected traditional elders. The primary focus of this gathering was to deliberate on pertinent matters related to the security landscape and the ongoing efforts to combat the al-Shabaab.

During the meeting, President Hassan Sheikh listened to the insights and recommendations put forth by the assembled participants. Their discussions encompassed strategies to enhance both security and development within the region, as well as effective measures to counter the persistent threat posed by al-Shabaab.

The President took a moment to express his commendation for the dedicated efforts of the Hiran region’s community in combating terrorism and providing staunch support to the National Army. He emphasized the critical point that Somalia faces a singular adversary, which poses a formidable challenge to the nation’s growth and stability.

He stressed the necessity of bridging any divergence in viewpoints that may undermine national unity, underscoring the importance of forging a cohesive front to secure meaningful victories in the ongoing struggle to liberate the country from Alshabab.