Somalia, Serbia Prime Ministers discuss expanding cooperation.

Somalia, Serbia Prime Ministers discuss expanding cooperation.

The Prime minister of Somalia, Hamse Abdi Barre held a discussion with the Serbian Prime minister to focus on boosting relationships between the two countries in terms of trade and investment.

Somalia Prime Minister Hamse Abdi Barre and his Serbian counterpart Ana Brnabić discussed potential areas of mutual cooperation during a conversation on Friday. The leaders identified trade and investment, debt relief, and support in international forums as key collaborative areas.

They also emphasized the importance of strengthening long-term friendships and advancing health and education initiatives. Cooperation in modern security technologies was acknowledged as another critical area of collaboration.

Somalia Prime minister said he also discussed Belgrade’s proposal to host the 2027 World Expo. Serbia’s main competitors are Argentina, Spain, the United States, and Thailand, for the opportunity to host the event.

However, in recent years, Serbia has shown interest in building relationships with African countries, including Somalia. In 2019, the inaugural Serbia-Africa Summit saw the participation of 105 leaders from Serbia and African nations, with Somalia’s Minister of Trade and Industry, among the attendees.