Trial of ‘Hotel Rwanda hero’ set to begin amid family’s fears of injustice

Paul Rusesabagina has faced down murderous militias and been feted in Hollywood. On Wednesday, the former hotelier, depicted as a hero in a movie about Rwanda’s 1994 genocide, will defend himself against charges of terrorism in a Kigali courtroom.

His family say Rusesabagina, a harsh critic of President Paul Kagame, is in poor health and his trial is a sham. Rwanda’s government says he has fomented violence and directed deadly attacks on its territory from exile.

“We don’t expect a fair trial,” his daughter Carine Kanimba, told Reuters on Tuesday. “This hearing will be a theatre.”

The trial has thrust a spotlight not just on Rusesabagina, but on Kagame, whom rights groups accuse of using authoritarian means to quash political opposition and extend his 21-year presidency.
Several high profile political dissidents have been murdered abroad; the government has denied any involvement.

Kagame denies any accusations of abuses and has enjoyed widespread support from Western donors for restoring Rwanda to stability, cracking down on corruption and boosting economic growth in the East African nation of 12 million.

Arrested in August, Rusesabagina faces 13 charges, including terrorism and forming an armed rebel group.

His daughter said that the charges against her father were fabricated and that he was denied his choice of defense lawyers. His defense team was appointed by the government of Rwanda, which has said he is free to change them. He also has one Rwandan lawyer appointed by the family, although international lawyers have not been allowed to join his team.

Judiciary spokesman Harrison Mutabazi said Rusesabagina was being tried like any other citizen.
“We give justice with due process,” he told Reuters on Tuesday.