Protests rock France over anti-Islam legislation

Protesters have staged demonstrations in Paris, the capital of France, to voice their opposition against a proposed law that they say is discriminatory toward Muslims. The crowd gathered in the Trocadero Square against the bill called Charter of Republican Values.

President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist government argues that the bill is needed to protect French values like gender equality and secularism, and to prevent radical ideas from taking root and inspiring violence. But the protesters argued that the bill stigmatizes the country’s No. 2 religion even though the majority of French Muslims do not espouse extremist views.

French lawmakers a few weeks ago began debating a controversial bill that is being pushed by President Emmanuel Macron to fight the so called Islamist separatism.

However, the bill is being criticized because it targets the Muslim community and imposes restrictions on almost every aspect of their lives.

It provides for intervening in mosques and the associations responsible for the administration of mosques, as well as controlling the finances of associations and non-governmental organizations belonging to Muslims.

It also restricts education choices of the Muslim community by preventing families from giving children home education.

The bill also prohibits patients from choosing doctors based on gender for religious or other reasons and makes compulsory secular education for all public officials.

Other religions, from Buddhists to Roman Catholics, have also complained they also could suffer fallout from the bill.