Arab League Joins International Calls to End Political Crises in Somalia

The Arab league has joined the international calls to end the political crises in Somalia where there is a disagreement between the political stakeholders over the country’s electoral impasse.

The Arab League has called on Somalia’s political leaders to find an immediate resolution to the electoral impasse in a statement released on Friday. The regional organization of nearly two dozen members said that they are closely monitoring the political situation in Somalia and urge federal and regional government leaders to reach a comprehensive agreement to end the deadlock.

They also urged all the Somali political stakeholders including the federal government officials, federal member state leaders and the opposition presidential candidates to resume talks immediately and resolve their disputes.

For the past days, there have been political disagreements between the top federal government of Somalia and some of its member states over the electoral process which was expected to take place earlier.

They have not yet reached an agreement and the country’s president mandate expired on 8th February. The council of opposition presidential candidate which unites former Presidents and Prime minister announced they will not recognize Farmaajo as the legitimate President, though the federal government said he will be the President until a new President is elected.